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Catalin Profir

Quasar Comex gains performance and business continuity by automating internal processes

An advanced space where humans and RPA robots cooperate for unitary activity between existing applications, streamlining processes and and particularly decreasing expenses.

“I believe that digitization and automation are the key solutions for adapting to the current reality. We chose to invest in technological applications meant to increase the customer experience, to help operational productivity and maintain existing staff “, says Laurențiu Țigăeru Roșca, Founder and CEO of QUASAR COMEX.

Solution: Create a computerized advanced stream for taking requests, charging, producing AWBs and announcing as a Digital Employee devoted to E-Commerce.

E-commerce Automation Workflow


Activity procedure – establishing an advanced digital stream for dealing with the movement of taking and conveying orders, deftly adjusted on the BackOffice stage (WEBCON BPS); this stream naturally coordinates programming robots for computerizing microflows, for example, charging or AWB age;

Agility – continuous adjustment of workflows as business challenges diversify or change, using WEBCON BPS’ ability to editing flows in real time – INSTANT CHANGE;

Optimization of human asset stacking – via computerizing exercises with the assistance of programming robots, HR being diminished of monotonous undertakings, for example, assuming control over request information, invoicing, dropping requests on totally related stages, deciphering AWBs for Bulgaria or Hungary, and so on;

Operational simplification – unit management of the entire activity from a single platform, thus creating a digital space where individuals can intercede (eg dropping a request) on the action attempted by robots.

Below you will be able to view a control panel with activity indicators (KPIs) measured in real time.

Encorsa Dashboard


For over 27 years, Quasar Comex SRL does only exchange exercises and the experience and presence on 2 unfamiliar business sectors (Bulgaria, Hungary) shows consistency and creates trust the two clients and colleagues. Since 2015, it likewise creates online activities, and today this vertical is the principle hub of advancement of the organization. He additionally moved toward different deals channels, specifically Marketplaces: eMAG Romania, Cel, Elefant, Kalapod, TeamDeals, Allshops and MiniPrix.

Constant optimization of the business through processes automation

Without an arrangement of front and back-office business measures and without a coordinated way to deal with furnishing individuals with key data continuously, the difficulties of the present business climate will be hard to defeat sooner rather than later. the years to come. Hence, the organization expects to execute a back-office application that supports and permits such an exertion.

Quasar Comex has figured out how to expand its efficiency at any rate multiple times by executing mechanical robotized measures in the current movement of overseeing orders from online deals. In spite of the fact that Quasar Comex deals nearly significantly increased in 2020, the production of advanced work processes has figured out how to oversee exercises without extra staffing, ideally and without mistakes.


  • Managing sales growth, without hiring addition human resources;
  • Proceduring the action to wipe out mistakes and improve the nature of administration conveyance in the E-Commerce business;
  • End of dull errands for individuals with the goal that they possess energy for complex investigates important to smooth out the online deals business (top beneficial items, recognizable proof of poisonous stocks, and so on).

Digital Employee in E-commerce, detailed solution

  • Creating an advanced work process through the Low-Code Business Process Management stage – WEBCON BPS, subsequently binding together the progression of data between existing programming segments – ERP, WMS, Marketplaces, own online store, dispatch stages (Sameday, DPD)
  • Automatic monitoring of the entire flow and generation of real-time indicators such as:
    • Average pick-up time
    • Pending orders on picking
    • Pending orders in invoicing
    • Average order pick-up ime
    • Canceled orders
    • Pending packaging orders
    • Average order packing time
    • Number of completion orders
    • Average completion time
    • Number of total orders;
  • Implementation of the mobile application for pickers (as a part of the WEBCON BPS platform) for taking over packing orders by pickers but also notifying them of changes made to orders;
  • Automation of repetitive tasks such as billing, printing, AWB generation, document reprinting, was done with RPA software robots, coordinated through the WEBCON BPS platform;
  • Creating measures through which individuals can intervene in decision making (for instance changing a request or dropping it), after whitch the flow will be proceeded automatically, being taken over by a software robot under the coordonation of WEBCON BPM;
  • Setting up specially appointed reports to gauge measure proficiency, task discernibility and continuous choice announcing (call-to-arrange forthcoming rundown).


For Quasar Comex, the platform called Digital Employee in E-Commerce is the solution that provided them with robotic tools in order to generate a fast and error-free internal flow, tracking human intervention and reducing costs.

Because of this implementation, there is a reasonable expansion in efficiency and deals and the stream from taking requests, invoicing, creating AWBs and announcing goes on autopilot. Digitization is the future and Quasar Comex has understood that its business can be improved and smoothed out with the assistance of mechanical arrangements fitting to the current action and developing with the adjustments in the business environment.

    București (HQ)


    Anchor Business Center, Str. Timisoara, Nr. 26


    +40 766.372.356